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My supporters are the backbone to my success. Without them, we would not be where we are today!

My horses absolutely love their equissage time each day. Without it, my horses were often stiff and lethargic after hard work. Now they enjoy a good equissage massage as part of their cool down after work, and Sabbra Cadabra loves it right before each ride as it helps her free up all her muscles and warm up her back before I hop on. Makes her a much happier horse indeed!


I have been feeding CoolStance Copra to my horses since 2006 since a friend put me onto it. I have never found a horse that wouldn't eat it, and I have even had horses flat out refuse to eat anything else if I run out! The low starch content in CoolStance means that its much easier on your horses digestive system than other feeds that rely almost solely on a high level of non-structural carbohydrates as an energy source which can lead to all kinds of issues including laminitis and insulin resistance.


Since fats have over two times the energy of carbohydrates, feeding CoolStance Copra is the perfect way to provide horses with the energy levels they need for training/growing etc without the "fizz" that other high NSC feeds often give. This is due to the coconut oil within the feeds, which as we know, oil provides a beautiful glossy shine to a horses coat, mane and tail. Which then means you don't have to spend excessive $$ on added supplements! It is definitely the perfect feed, and I recommend it to everyone and anyone for their horses.


Even my dogs love eating it!

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